
By dinosaurboy - 06/02/2010 20:01 - United States

Today, my mom and I went to the mall to look for some boxer briefs. While looking, I saw two girls I knew from school, so I went over to say hello. At least, that was my plan, but my mom screamed, "Look! These have dinosaurs on them!" They left the store giggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 688
You deserved it 5 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Darksect0r13 0

Pretty embarrassing. But most importantly, did you get that pair of awesome dinosaur underwear?


Moms were made to embarrass us... Especially around girls. Double especially around pretty girls.

Dude, dinosaurs are AWESOME I honestly wish I could have like sponge bob or courage the cowardly dog boxers or something to remind me of my childhood

I can only imagine how embarrassing this would be. But I would also like to point out that if a female had posted this there would have been a ton of comments like "Why are you underwear shopping with your mom, go and get them yourself.". Why would anyone underwear shop with there mother, something like this is bound to happen.

sbarua219 17

Dude I hope you bought the underwear!

were they stegasouras or trex get the trex

be proud of those dino drawers. no shame in some comfy boxers.

holy shit. you seem kind of old to go shopping for underwear with your mommy.