
By dinosaurboy - 06/02/2010 20:01 - United States

Today, my mom and I went to the mall to look for some boxer briefs. While looking, I saw two girls I knew from school, so I went over to say hello. At least, that was my plan, but my mom screamed, "Look! These have dinosaurs on them!" They left the store giggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 688
You deserved it 5 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Darksect0r13 0

Pretty embarrassing. But most importantly, did you get that pair of awesome dinosaur underwear?


lmao. this happened to my brother, only it was me screaming "look at these! they have pink polkadots on them!"

I want boxer briefs with dinosaurs on them!

Dude, think about this... they werent giggling AT the situation... they just thought of you in your underwear and didnt make the ew face. Yea its embarassing a lil, just laugh that shit off. Chicks LOVE confidence. Besides, she could have done a lot worse... she could have said spiderman or spongebob, but even then you get to play it off and say, and i quote: "**** yea, {insert repuation damaging item here} rocks!" then when confronted, take confidence (it'll be hard but do it with conviction) and say, yea, i wear dinosaur underwear, cause that's ******* cool!" that earns you respect because those idiots cant say anything about it. If they harass you about shopping with your mom, again, proudly announce that shopping with your mom is awesome. They will have nothing to say to that, and you earn pimpology points for it, no joke. It'll pay off later in life, and you'll thank me someday.

julesxox_fml 0

you should have responded with no thanks mom my huge **** would scare that t rex

julesxox_fml 0

you should have responded with no thanks mom my huge **** would scare the dinosaurs away ;)

iSushix3 0

Screw You Jackass, Dinosaurs Are Fucken Awesome ,

i would so date a guy who has dinos on his underwear!

.......and parents still manage to wonder why their kids stop talking to them from 12+.

leadrunner751 3

DINOSAURS?! dude there are more fish in the sea but D-I-N-O-S-A-U-R-S... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!