Living his best life

By shotdown - 02/12/2015 20:45 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after being sick all day with the flu, I asked my husband to wash the dishes after I went to bed. He said he couldn't because he had a large, important project for work that needed to get done. I woke up a couple of hours later to find him smoking weed on the couch and watching cartoons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 805
You deserved it 2 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kuibe 18

I guess you can use the same excuse when he's sick now and if he objects bring up this.

Go on strike! You shouldn't even be around food/dishes if you're still contagious.


orios105 18

what a jerk, you're sick for Pete sakes. lol couldn't take some time to do the dishes. smh.

Cartoons are important business, ma'am.

Fr0gs 15

Especially if its south parks new episode last night ...

Kuibe 18

I guess you can use the same excuse when he's sick now and if he objects bring up this.

Im getting the feeling he doesnt do chores so I feel like if he was sick she would still be doing all the work anyways.

Kuibe 18

Valid point #22 that actually didn't even come across my mind but but you may be right, hopefully he does do some chores at least. And #49 your idea is like 20x better than mine nice suggestion!

drayloon 50

This is how studying for finals works in college

What exactly is that kind of job called? Never heard of it

Well someone has to make sure Cartoon Network still shows good stuff.

DeltaDragonxx 20

#34 I'll save anyone the trouble. It doesn't.

aw man, i feel bad because you're sick and instead of doing a nice thing for you, your husband decides to just smoke weed and watch cartoons.Feel better OP!

Rei_Ayanami 18

Forgive me if I am just not understanding since English is not my first language, but I have what may seem like a silly question. Why basically repeat the FML in your comment with adding that you feel sorry for them? Is it not implied that is what you meant when you said you felt sorry for them? What else is there to feel that way about? I apologize if this comes across as rude, I do not mean for it to, I just do not understand and would like to. Thank you for understanding. :)

#8 added in what the husband SHOULD be doing on his own, which is doing something nice for the OP. That was not in the original post. It contrasts even more what society thinks a loving spouse would do, with the husbands actual failure to fulfill a simple request. That makes the comment even more in support of the OP, and highlights that the husband is really even more of a jerk.

Is he a weed tester? Because if so, he's doing a fantastic job.

Obviously, his large project is a groundbreaking research on the effects of weed on cartoon animations.