Life is unfair

By Anonymous - 06/12/2022 15:00 - United Kingdom - Northampton

Today, my son, who is on the autism spectrum, was given a detention at school because he called another child fat in response to being called a "fat Indian curry muncher". The other child got away with it because he started crying. Oh and afterwards he called my son dumb for getting detention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 038
You deserved it 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not wrong, but what about cause and effect? If the first kid who spoke had kept his big mouth shut, then OP's kid wouldn't have gotten in trouble for verbally retaliating, because there'd likely be no reason to say anything elsewise. Oh, and "fat Indian Curry muncher"? First kid's a bit of a sterotyping little shit, isn't he?

You'd have known that if you watched American football and not that boring soccer. It's the guy that throws the second punch that gets hit with the penalty.


2 wrongs don't make a right. kid 1 (on the spectrum or not) can have the discussions about what not to do/say. Autism should not be a crutch/excuse for being rude/uncontrolled and can be held accountable for their actions. (I have worked with enough on the spectrum that I know most are quite awesome kids and very teachable). kid 2 didn't need to be an ass about the detention. But kids are kids and 1 will call 2 names and 2 will revel in 1s punishment. it doesn't make it right. just to be expected and something the adults should have been ready for.

No, just no. Having autism means that you have special needs because it's a range of developmental disorders. Furthermore, the "fat" racist kid should learn not to treat others how he wants to be treated. It's the golden rule. Treat people like crap, you get treated like crap. That's life. That's reality. Poor take on this one.

You're not wrong, but what about cause and effect? If the first kid who spoke had kept his big mouth shut, then OP's kid wouldn't have gotten in trouble for verbally retaliating, because there'd likely be no reason to say anything elsewise. Oh, and "fat Indian Curry muncher"? First kid's a bit of a sterotyping little shit, isn't he?

ODBeefalo 10

you are partly right in that it should not be used as an excuse for being a piece of shit but these are kids not adults... but as someone with many family members all over the spectrum including both my siblings, the child reacted WAY BETTER than many would have. my brothers used to get violent over even less. this child reacted better than I would have (I get loud, not violent) at such comments. I think the kid crying was worse, they knew crying would get them out of trouble and abused it. should ops child be sent home, possibly depending on their current state it might be helpful and better for op to talk to them about it amd teach them a bit... but the other child was clearly way farther in the wrong for so many reasons.

You'd have known that if you watched American football and not that boring soccer. It's the guy that throws the second punch that gets hit with the penalty.

tiptoppc 19

Grab a lawyer. Being fat is not an official recognized special class, but a minority that is targeted for being a minority (as in the other kid using racial epithets) is protected. The school should be confronted on allowing the racism part. I feel your son did the verbal equivalent of using a defensive move against a bully by using an uppercut to end an assault on him. But the racism thing is something that should not be ignored or excused and demand the school step up to do their job by not allowing their students to be harassed with racist remarks

Sounds right. As an undiagnosed autistic kid, another kid in my class tried to CHOKE ME in 2nd grade, throttling me so I couldn't break free normally. I had to give him an uppercut get away as a last resort. Did he get in trouble for literally trying to kill me? No. Did I get in trouble because I made the asshole cry? Yes. Note: this was over 30 years ago, at this point. Nowadays there would at least be cameras so we could press charges.