Let's not get too committed

By Just a Bro - 13/06/2021 03:31 - India

Today, it was the third time a guy high-fived me after sex. The other two guys gave me a fist bump. Is this a universal thing, or am I just one of the bros? FML
I agree, your life sucks 901
You deserved it 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Question, are dates involved? Are they paying for your dinner, dtc?


I'm assuming you're not dating these men. I've never heard of high fiving or fist bumping after sex but I guess that's these men's way of practicing chivalry. Kinda cute.

What's wrong with being one of the bros?

I love high fiving after sex! It’s my way of saying “that was great!” Sometimes I even sing a lonely island song. You can guess which one. ;)

49_Donuts 12

Maybe you’re just that good!

Wadlaen 23

I don't know what it is, but it seems to me like you're doing something right...😉

Question, are dates involved? Are they paying for your dinner, dtc?