Less haste, less speed

By Fox - 25/02/2013 03:41 - United States

Today, while driving extremely fast on a road in the middle of nowhere, I started to go down a hill. Noticing a police car at the bottom, I slammed my brakes and blew a tire in the process. It turns out the police car was an old cutout used to trick people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 357
You deserved it 57 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sleepinginclass 8

Because slamming on your brakes would have helped anyways...

Well if you were following the law it wouldn't have happened.


twaumat 28

a friend died last week because the driver was speeding. I hope next time it won't be a cutout.

seriously, driving extremely fast on a downward hill, you could of caused a serious accident with another car coming around the corner or you could of flipped your car if you have no respect for you're own life at least try and have respect for other people's lives.

TheDrifter 23

At a starting speed of 150 km/h, a stationary tire (brakes locked) will lose 0.5 cm of rubber per second. If OP was going "extremely fast" as he says, and locked up his brakes for an extended period of time (at 150 it would take around 6 seconds to stop fully, OP was likely driving faster than that) he could very well have scrubbed a flat spot all the way through his tire.

ntiger8705 2

Wow!! Who taught u to drive? U should never slam on ur breaks going down a hill. Very dangerous. Even if ur tire didn't blow, it's a lot easier to loose control on elevated or steep areas. Then ur looking at ur brakes locking up and other hazardous things. Sad.....very sad.

So the cop would of not heard the tire pop because you slammed on your breaks?

If you were going so fast that you blew out a tire, you need a ticket! You're going to kill some innocent persons driving like that! I hope you don't live in VA!

mrlb94 6

In Northern California they have a old black and white squad car with two dummies in it wearing state trooper uniforms at the bottom of a hill.