Leave me alone!

By Anonymous - 11/04/2023 06:00

Today, it's exactly 3 months since I ended my engagement. I'm STILL seeing ads for rings everywhere - because before I realized I deserved better, I was googling to buy my own engagement ring. I'm happy with my decision and have moved on, but the internet refuses to let it go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 742
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Deleting all of your cookies and your search history might at least lessen the frequency at which you’re shown the ads? I’m very sorry that you need to go through this, but you sound like you’ll endure and get out the other side. Wishing you luck!

Google something different like “crazy cat lady” and see what ad that pulls up to replace the rings.


Deleting all of your cookies and your search history might at least lessen the frequency at which you’re shown the ads? I’m very sorry that you need to go through this, but you sound like you’ll endure and get out the other side. Wishing you luck!

Google something different like “crazy cat lady” and see what ad that pulls up to replace the rings.

If you were looking to buy your own engagement ring, I think you made the right call in breaking off the engagement.