By synn - 24/02/2010 05:19 - Singapore

Today, I went for a job briefing, and after that was told to do some editing for them. When I asked the person whether I was paid for the day, she laughed and said no. She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 562
You deserved it 3 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you could always write it off on your resume as volunteer work if you didn't get the job. other future employers will eat that sh*t up.

that is a screening tool for recruitment and selection...... realistic job previews. You do the job for the day and management and staff choose the person they think they would work the best with


JustStopSucking 0

at least OP didn't get executed for spitting on the side walk. I read about that in an AOL email, so it's true right? yes?

it simply sounds like they wanted to test out your skills, unpaid tests or training like that is pretty common

But then you laughed and told them to FOAD right? Right?!?

294372p 0

you dont get executed, u just get ****** over big time

Well if i were you i would have checked first to see if they pay and anyway, how much were they going to pay you? 50USD? That's not that much, and if they were impressed by your work then you might have got the job. Did you get the job?

that's the cost for attaining a job. you need to show initiative and care. ydi. stop bitching and work for one lousy day without pay.

euroautolover **** you dickweed. you're a dumb shit. **** that OP there's no need to do the work without pay, what's the point.

calm down bud a day spent occupied is better than a day spent on the couch

That sucks. But hopefully you got the job to reward you for your work!

you could always write it off on your resume as volunteer work if you didn't get the job. other future employers will eat that sh*t up.

that is a screening tool for recruitment and selection...... realistic job previews. You do the job for the day and management and staff choose the person they think they would work the best with

Where I live you also get paid for such a tryout-day. But that could be different in Singapore of course.

pls don't do that again. that is the number one scam among artists.