It's good for the planet

By Marcela - 18/03/2009 13:47 - United States

Today, I was taking a shower with my new boyfriend for the first time. Last night was the first night we spent together. As I was washing my hair, I looked down at my feet and noticed yellow water. Some of the warm water I felt on my feet was not from the shower head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 107 347
You deserved it 19 681

Same thing different taste


I'm sorry... it might be a guy thing, but he can hold it long enough to go after the shower if his girlfriend is in there with him... That's disgusting. If my boyfriend does it, I have no idea, nor do I really care to know. He just better not do it while I am in there, because I will be disgusted, and any chance of him getting laid are out the window, because now all I can think about is being dirty, and needing to get clean...

hey some girls are turned on by getting pissed on. maybe he was just testing the waters...

justjayit 0

Everyone pees in the shower, but on another person? Maybe he needs better aim. Personally, I would get disgusted if he just pissed AROUND me in the shower. He can do that when he's alone, yugh.

Warm water makes you pee, thats why they have that trick when your friend is sleeping you put their hand in warm water and they piss in the bed. But the fact that he did that when you in the shower is gross he could of atleast taken a piss before taking a shower with you.

raeraex3 0

When I was at summer camp in junior high, an older boy pissed on several people's legs in the communal shower, including mine. We didn't like it.

If you're confortable with each other it shouldn't be a big deal. People pee in the shower, get over it. If you're dating a preppy Hollistard like #42, dump them and find someone that realizes that. Be glad he didn't piss all over you in bed.

im sorry but thats hilarious if i was you i would go home and take another shower

pommeblossom 0