By DrawingWaves - 27/09/2016 22:36 - United States - Woodland Hills

Today, my girlfriend tried to hook me up with a guy. It's the second time it happened since I met her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 555
You deserved it 1 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So... is she trying to instigate a threesome? Or is she under the impression that she's just your beard and she thinks she's helping you get out of the closet? Or she thinks you are bisexual and only views your relationship as casual (not at all exclusive)? Or are you just as confused as we are?


JustKeeny 6

Maybe shes doing it to be funny? I could see my girlfriend trying this

#42 Are YOU sure she's your girlfriend?

So... is she trying to instigate a threesome? Or is she under the impression that she's just your beard and she thinks she's helping you get out of the closet? Or she thinks you are bisexual and only views your relationship as casual (not at all exclusive)? Or are you just as confused as we are?

I agree, likely one of your suggestions.

Some girls refer to their female friends as girlfriends, so maybe that's a possibility, as well? Although, I can't see if the gender is identified in the FML because the app doesn't show those details, so if it actually says OP is male, I apologize and retract my suggestion.

Or she is insecure and jealous and is repeatedly testing OP's dedication to her. I suggest talking to her. And if it turns out my suspicion is right, run. If it's one of the other options, decide if it's for you and go with it.

OP is male. It does show it, on my app at least. Plus if OP was a girl with a friend that's a girl I don't see why a friend trying to set her up would be an issue unless she was a lesbian, which if that was the issue I'm sure OP would've noted that.

I just learned the term beard. Wow. Not sure who I missed that one.

25 - Pretty sure if she was trying to test OP's dedication she'd be setting him up with girls, not guys.

lexiieeex3 32

The app does show you the gender... OP is male.

Apparently mine is broken, then, because mine isn't showing it.

It won't show one of the two sex symbols, just a little figure type thing in front of the name. if you see the figure in front of ops nick/name, you can compare it to the poster before you who has the female one. ( if you don't see these, idk man. just thought I'd throw it out there bc I can't remember what the desktop version uses lmao. )

iPhone Apps have silhouettes that vaguely resemble "male" and "female" shadows. People who don't mark one have no silhouette in the post. The desktop site uses the text color of the users name as an indication- blue is male, pink is female, grey is undeclared. The iPhone app uses a version of this by putting a circle in those colors around the user's icon- mine's grey for example, as I haven't marked a gender. As to the post- the GF could want to be the cuckolded/OP to "cheat," or cheat, on her, due to a kink.

Have you asked her about it? Are you actually a couple or just in your head? Does she think you're her gay best friend?

I think your gf is having fantasies of you with another guy. I hope you can talk to her about it and that it's not awkward for you.

ber4fun 23

You definitely need to have a talk with her about this to find out why.

mermaidkeels 26

Sounds to me like she thinks you're gay best friend rather than boyfriend...

You deserve it if you want to put up with that. If you don't like her acting that way then either: A. Talk to her B. Break up with her C. Quit bitching

Wow, I don't think you have enough info to be giving such judgmental advice.

No honestly I read it completely wrong and skipped the me and thought it said my girlfriend tried hooking up with a guy.

Maybe you should show her you're more into her and stop acting like you'd be more into a man

Maybe you should stop acting like you have all the information of this story and stop making your own assumptions