It's good for the planet

By Marcela - 18/03/2009 13:47 - United States

Today, I was taking a shower with my new boyfriend for the first time. Last night was the first night we spent together. As I was washing my hair, I looked down at my feet and noticed yellow water. Some of the warm water I felt on my feet was not from the shower head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 107 347
You deserved it 19 681

Same thing different taste


Wth, everyone pisses in the shower?! I dont and im male o.o I just go before i step under the shower. Do have taken a piss in the sink multiple times when I was living at someone elses house because i couldn't be arsed to go down stairs in the middle of the night to piss. (atleast its better then just hanging it out of the window right??)

InigoMontoya 0

#17 It had something to do with acids/bases, it stung her really bad. Maybe it was just that specific kind of soap.

This clearly pissed you off...literally.

Lmao i mean a lot of people pee in the shower, but he shouldn't have while you were there with him.. Um, can you say AWWKKKKWARDDDDD. ..sorry your boyfriend peed on your foot.

wrestler_fml 0

#33: That sucksss, man! It's a job by itself keeping cool around your girl... but having to do chemistry too?! WTF? haha.

maedoc 0

yep. this guys a keeper. that's how you know he loves you

i piss in the shower all the time.. sometimes i like to give myself a golden shower PAHAHAHAHA

kitties_fml 12

It's fine that he peed in the shower, but it's weird that he peed ON her in the shower....

alex_vik 0

You're already in the shower, just wash it off. Simple as that.