Is that even legal?

By jam - 27/07/2020 08:01

Today, my boss told me that I'm being terminated. Apparently, being pregnant means I was going to quit soon anyway, so there's no point. Now I have to get job so I don't get deported. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 545
You deserved it 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

Yeah this sounds a whole lot like wrongful termination to me, I’d fight it


ojoRojo 27

Yeah this sounds a whole lot like wrongful termination to me, I’d fight it

KookieLove666 15

Contact the EEOC, they deal with that sort of stuff.

that's super illegal in pretty much the entire developed world

I hope your boss was stupid enough to put it in writing that you were being terminated for being pregnant (or you recorded him saying it.) On the plus side, you will almost certainly get deported to a country that can handle the covid break-out.

DoctorPALO 14

Why would you get deported for not having a job? Are you here on a work visa?

Gennette 11

That is discrimination and illegal. If you can get yourself a lawyer that's definitely a case you would win.

IF he said he's firing you because you are pregnant, you have a case. Depending on what state you are in, if you didn't get it on record, it'd be a tough one to win.

Not really. All they have to do is ask the boss why they fired her and he will either tell her the truth or make up some bullshit excuse, and all they have to do is reference her work to see if she was actually a good or bad worker. Things like this happen all the time unfortunately

A company can’t just fire you because you’re pregnant. That’s discrimination. Take them to court. You can either fight for your job back or force them to pay you for wrongful termination.

You can’t fire someone for being pregnant, not only is that wrongful termination but it’s also classified as discrimination. Especially if the boss knows that you would be deported without a job. I would lawyer up if I were you.