iPod Classic, 7th Gen, 160 Go, the best ever

By abdominates - 23/10/2009 16:48 - Canada

Today, after a long workout I come back to my locker, to find my lock had been cut. I looked inside realizing my phone and iPod had been stolen. If that wasn't bad enough, my keys were gone. I ran out to the parking lot to find an empty spot where my car had once been parked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 847
You deserved it 3 227

Same thing different taste

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@ #30, ya because when i go to the gym i wear my shorts with POCKETS which are so open then any form of running would make my expensive ipod and cell phone fall out of my POCKETS and break. i love having to carry around electronics which get covered in my sweat which is soooo good for them in my POCKETS. and in case you dont already know, many gyms have swimming pools. so i will just take my phone, ipod, and keys in my POCKETS and swim. maybe when i do sit-ups, hopefully that movement around my wasteline won't cause my electronics to fall out of my POCKETS leaving them out in the open. YAAAY POCKETS for solving all of my workout needs. and YAAAY gym lockers for being completely useless when i have my perfectly impractical POCKETS to use!! you are so ******* stupid


starry_eyed 0

Wow, this is horrible...I hope the police can track someone down. Good luck :/

Can you sue the gym for negligence? Maybe look into it. Also, IANAL.

Most gyms have signs up that say "Use lockers at your own risk" It's not the gym's fault someone brings things in.

feckless 0

Hope it was you Justin, you racist sh*t

Report it stolen ASAP. have your friend drive you around the area, odds are who ever stole it probably dumped it some where near by. the longer someone has a stolen car, the higher the chance they have of being caught

fYOURlife1989 0

UM... why would your Ipod be in your locker when you were working out? Don't most people bring Ipods to listen to them when they're working out? Just saying.

He might have had it set up to play in his car on the way there, or something, and probably didn't feel comfortable leaving it there.

Just curious why you weren't listening to your iPod while working out?

hazardharry 0

That sucks. That's why I don't even bother to bring my phone to the gyms, and I keep my iPod and keys on me. Well if the guy is dumb enough to keep driving the car the cops can nab him with all the stuff, otherwise FYL.

Truth. This guy's life FTW. That blows so much harder than my day. Sorry, guy.

I hope you were aware of who was around you when you locked up your stuff. I assume the thief knew which car your keys go with.

letitbe56 0

If it had a panic button, the thief just turns it on for a second, sees where the car is, gets in and drives away.