Internalized misogyny

By Anonymous - 08/01/2022 13:59

Today, I was anonymously sent screenshots of texts from my new boss to my interviewer, saying I got almost all the questions wrong but to hire me anyway because they’re hiring quota has to be at least 40% women. That’s the only reason I got the job, tits and no brains. FML
I agree, your life sucks 957
You deserved it 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, let me get this straight. You're complaining about getting a job despite answering als questions wrong AND obviously not being able to spellcheck what you're writing (they're/their)?! Uhuh.. Hope you got really great **** so you will keep the job.

Here's the thing: You can still rock this job. The "Act like you belong" subreddit has stories of people faking their way through interviews and doing fine. Also, interviews are demonstrably bad at selecting qualified job candidates. It doesn't matter why you got the job: You got it, and you're going to do it well enough. (And heck, most employers treat employees as expendable. If they need you, that can only benefit you.)


Here's the thing: You can still rock this job. The "Act like you belong" subreddit has stories of people faking their way through interviews and doing fine. Also, interviews are demonstrably bad at selecting qualified job candidates. It doesn't matter why you got the job: You got it, and you're going to do it well enough. (And heck, most employers treat employees as expendable. If they need you, that can only benefit you.)

So, let me get this straight. You're complaining about getting a job despite answering als questions wrong AND obviously not being able to spellcheck what you're writing (they're/their)?! Uhuh.. Hope you got really great **** so you will keep the job.

They are a challenge to lug around all day. I always have gratitude to busty women for carrying those things around for my viewing pleasure. I don't express it, because I don't think they'd appreciate the compliment.

HereWeGo24 6

Looks like you need spellcheck

You must some really nice ****! (Maybe have a male friend or relative read this to you.)

Suspiriana 2

I think you needed someone to write it for you.

Ouch! What a sick burn! Not really. I just know that's the best you can do.

wysegirl 24

Well take the time and prove them wrong. Learn the job and show them you are more than just a body, show them you have a brain.

I wouldn't complain about being handed a corporate nuke... file the messages, and keep them around for later use. that is the type of thing that is easier to give a raise to keep quiet instead of dealing with the public backlash. Use everything you have to make your money. ****, sexism, and possible lawsuits included.

What can she file for later!!? That she was not competent enough for the job but she got it !? Messages say she should be hired for quotas reasons. She sarcastically said about herself she got the job because she has **** and no brain. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense. The messages were actually sent before she got the job.

But who can have sent you those messages?

if you only apply for jobs you can do now, then you will have no growth and no promotion. prove them wrong and perform above your test scores and show them that you don't need affirmative action to advance in any company.

(1) Someone had to go to a lot of trouble to be anonymous in sending you that screen shot since emails, texts, and most messaging services include the sender. Is that possible? Yes, but it makes the story suspect to some degree. (2) My sympathy is for a person who might have interviewed as competent for the job but someone else gets hired because they are the wrong sex. My next level of sympathy is for the coworkers who are going to have to pick up the load from a potentially incompetent hire. I get OP’s feelings on this. However, unless you are desperate for a job or feel confident that the interviewer did not do a good job in judging your abilities and skills, do not take the job. I cannot imagine a much worse work situation than not being competent for the job. If that assessment is fair, unless you are a quick learner, the job will likely be very uncomfortable.