
By AloneAtPerkins - 21/12/2020 23:04

Today, I was making out with my boyfriend and it started getting heated. I climbed on top of him and took his shirt off, but I guess my brain had a different idea. I ended up clinging to him for dear life because my brain decided that now was a good time for a seizure. Mood ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 649
You deserved it 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope it's not a common occurrence like severe epilepsy. I had 2 friends that had it. Quite a stressful sight.

coius 23

My wife has had asthma attacks in the middle of sex. I feel you, but hopefully you two get some quality non-interrupted time. And since I know what seizures do, i’m so sorry you have to go through them. My mom as a special education teacher cried when she found out what seizures do, and she taught many kids in deaf education that suffered seizures as well. But talk with your boyfriend and make sure he knows the signs. He probably feels bad too. And i’m sure he’d be concerned with your safety as well. But at least make him aware and let him know what to do when they happen and when to consider it an emergency point that EMS needs to be involved. Good luck!


I hope it's not a common occurrence like severe epilepsy. I had 2 friends that had it. Quite a stressful sight.

coius 23

My wife has had asthma attacks in the middle of sex. I feel you, but hopefully you two get some quality non-interrupted time. And since I know what seizures do, i’m so sorry you have to go through them. My mom as a special education teacher cried when she found out what seizures do, and she taught many kids in deaf education that suffered seizures as well. But talk with your boyfriend and make sure he knows the signs. He probably feels bad too. And i’m sure he’d be concerned with your safety as well. But at least make him aware and let him know what to do when they happen and when to consider it an emergency point that EMS needs to be involved. Good luck!