
By homo fuckofftus - 22/05/2015 17:10 - United States - San Diego

Today, we were discussing evolution at the super-religious school I'm forced to attend. I mentioned homo sapiens, and my teacher mockingly replied, "You actually believe in homo sapiens? Hahahah!" The whole class started laughing. No, not at the teacher; at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 190
You deserved it 2 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nesteremily 31

Yes..I do believe in humans..

Just pretend a talking snake told you it and they should believe you.


Everyone in your class shouldn't be classified as **** sapiens.

cr500guy 11

maybe you should have said hetrosapiens. **** might be throwing them off

That sucks OP. but what the teacher is doing,isnt iy bullying? Like who the hell mocks people like that for their own believes. Seriously....

bleedingglitter 24

Maybe talk to your mom about a transfer.... You are not getting a good education there obviously.

Now is the time to get your parents to get you out of this school and find one that isn't full of stupid people. FYL my friend.

My friend once came up to me out of the blue, with no context, and asked me if I believed in aluminum hydroxide. I stared at him confused for a few seconds before muttering "uhh, yeah...?" He said "Oh, ok. Because some people don't believe in evolution," and walked away.

I sure hope you are not made fun of for quite awhile due to that

carleyboo2018 20

"And then on the third day, God created the Remington Bolt Action Rifle, so man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals." (Please don't kill me its from mean girls about weirdly religious (home schooled) kids)