I did nooooooooot!

By Just wanted a cigarette - 31/07/2015 02:06 - United States - Lagrangeville

Today, I wanted to buy a pack of cigarettes. My wife, who didn't want me to get them, decided it would be a good idea to jump on the hood of the car while I was driving off. She hit the car and fell off. My neighbor saw this. Neither her nor the cops believe me when I say I didn't hit her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 128
You deserved it 4 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should have your wife explain her side of the story to them

To all these people saying to 'just stop smoking' it's harder than it sounds. As to OP, I hope you'll get your justice as of your story you are not in the wrong.


bettyc4 26

If she is THAT desperate for you to stop maybe at least consider quitting. You don't have to do it cold turkey. But trying or even looking like it might calm down your wife's crazy.

If she wants him to quit doing something he enjoys and does't want to quit, then she should have to quit doing something he doesn't like her doing that she enjoys too.

bettyc4 26

Sure if what she enjoys is just as hazardous to her health and others then that logic is perfectly fine.

Its entirely logical because she married him knowing he smoked. Besides more innocents die from driving accidents than they do from second hand smoking. If you want to change someone you need to be just as willing to change, regardless of what habit you what them to change. Smoking is legal so op has every right to to so.

bettyc4 26

Oh I'm sorry do you know them personally? Do you know he started smoking before not after their marriage? Do you know if she did it because he just recently had a heat attack and like most addicts wanted to get back to smoking anyway? Tell me.

bettyc4 26

Guess who lives down the road.

That's got to be the dumbest way to convince somebody to quit smoking.

It's definitely not easy to stop smoking, but her tactics were a bit much. My fiancé quit with a vaporizer, I would highly recommend it OP. It's still nicotine which obviously isn't good for you either, but hey, it's better than smoking jet fuel and rat poison as well. Good luck OP!

Nicotine in itself is about as harmful as caffeine. I switched to vamping eight months ago and I feel so much better. While they aren't harmless, they are much less harmful. Plus smell and taste amazing.

I would think that your wife would be honest with the police... Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think what she did was criminal so she shouldn't have anything to hide.

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure once the cops got involved it became problematic for the wife. Even if what she did isn't criminal she's still in the position now where she would have to admit that she set her husband up essentially to look abusive. If that goes on record than from this point on if she ever has to lodge and actual complaint against anyone it's going to be questioned a lot harder because the assumption will be that she's pulling the same crap, no matter who it is she's filing the complaint about.

I sincerely hope that your wife defended you. And if not, I hope she'll be an ex-wife soon because that's a hell of a line she's crossed

my mother is dying because of cigarettes. she lost her beautiful clean skin and all her teeth. best quit while you still can. I know it will be difficult but you'll be thankful later on.

So sorry to hear about your mum! I hope you have people helping you go through this difficult time!

so making an fml is your way of playing it off? well played sir, well played

I hope you got those smokes...I hear they're the primary form of currency on the inside.

As a fellow smoker, I can assume this situation made OP want a cigarette even more.

at least she isnt batman she would've wrecked your car