By jobless - 01/12/2015 04:01 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, HR sent a review email to me asking me to anonymously tell them about my boss. I decided to use this opportunity to tell them what a dick he was. I printed off the review, filled it out, then scanned and emailed it to myself. Or so I thought. Turns out I'd sent the review to my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 478
You deserved it 18 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve97 32

Maybe your boss is hard on you because you make careless mistakes like this?

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Yeah, you're pretty anonymous now OP. Great job!


#1 I'm not. If I was sending an email like that I'd make damn sure it was to myself.

Thanks for the feedback, I was just sorry for the whole situation with OP..

no this bitch disrespectin. NO RESPECT!

#22, your comment doesn't seem to fit your name. Calm yourself.

I still feel really bad for op. Yes he made a mistake, but this mistake will probably cost him his job. And it sucks to lose a job. So yes, I do feel bad for him/her.

#36, his name for the FML is 'jobless', so he indeed lost his job

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Yeah, you're pretty anonymous now OP. Great job!

p.s. they don't let email noobs join the real anonymous

I though the first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club?

Rule number 1 is obviously "Never let suspects stay together".

I feel like telling them sooner be being proactive about it would have been better than waiting for this email, but mistakes do happen. Hopefully you can find another, better job.

gobiteme2 34

I'm sure this will look good on a job resume

Always... always double check when it comes to sending a negative review about your boss or anyone who controls your work life.

mds9986 24

You should always double check. Not just in this situation.

Steve97 32

Maybe your boss is hard on you because you make careless mistakes like this?

YDI on this one, sorry but how you didn't make sure that a message like that wouldn't reach your boss's e-mail? Should have double checked to be sure. Well I hope you can get another job soon though.