Herd immunity, quick

By Anonymous - 28/11/2021 20:01 - United States - Chappaqua

Today, Covid started when I was a freshmen in highschool. I'm now halfway through my Junior year and I still haven't experienced any normal high school events or traditions. I'm going to graduate without experiencing anything. Now we have a new variant… again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 384
You deserved it 173

Same thing different taste

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Many generations have had major events that shaped their lives. “Normalcy” has definite periods of interruptions. My Dad was about your age during WW2 - That had an impact that was not “normal”. His parents were shaped by the Great Depression. I’m dating myself, but my generation was impacted by the Vietnam War - drop out of school or have lower than a 2.0 GPA in college and it’s a draft ticket to Vietnam (sometimes one way)… A hundred years ago almost exactly the “Spanish Influenza” hit pretty much like COVID and the pandemic lasted about 2 years - But no vaccines, no medicines to help, and WW1 was ongoing. I definitely sympathize with your situation, but we are all dealt the hand we get. Life skill is knowing how to play the hand you are dealt.

Covid started in March of 2020 (when Tom Hanks got it.) You got most of your freshman year in. Why don't you drop out of school until the pandemic ends or the human race goes extinct? You'd feel pretty silly learning how to diagram sentences when everyone else is dead.


Covid started in March of 2020 (when Tom Hanks got it.) You got most of your freshman year in. Why don't you drop out of school until the pandemic ends or the human race goes extinct? You'd feel pretty silly learning how to diagram sentences when everyone else is dead.

I assume you are being your usual sarcastic and humorous self. Unfortunately a few people might think you were giving literal advice. Obviously if this were a plague of zombies or a Medieval Black Death level plague (30% mortality meaning that 30% of the overall population died in Europe during the worst of the plague). What you said might make practical sense. However as bad as it is most people will survive and when we come out the other side of this mess people will still be needing an education to get a decent job.

Oh, if only we actually were diagramming sentences in English classes. But alas, we’re given a script we have to say word for word that talks about race in a way that’s conservative friendly, like having students of color read a book that uses a certain slur 20 times on one page alone (it was approved by Abbott after all).

Many generations have had major events that shaped their lives. “Normalcy” has definite periods of interruptions. My Dad was about your age during WW2 - That had an impact that was not “normal”. His parents were shaped by the Great Depression. I’m dating myself, but my generation was impacted by the Vietnam War - drop out of school or have lower than a 2.0 GPA in college and it’s a draft ticket to Vietnam (sometimes one way)… A hundred years ago almost exactly the “Spanish Influenza” hit pretty much like COVID and the pandemic lasted about 2 years - But no vaccines, no medicines to help, and WW1 was ongoing. I definitely sympathize with your situation, but we are all dealt the hand we get. Life skill is knowing how to play the hand you are dealt.

Marcella1016 31

I appreciate this a lot. It’s so easy to feel really, REALLY down about all this. Not just the pandemic, but seeing all the crazy that comes with it. Not just in the US but all around the world. It helps so much to know every generation goes through some crazy shit and the world survives. Like it feels like the end of the world right now when we’re in it but everything will eventually be fine. Just like it has been before. They say when you’re going through Hell, “Keep going.” Because eventually you’ll be through it and it’s behind you. Thanks for the reminder ❤️

I'd encourage you to be involved any way you can. life throws a lot of curveballs, and while things can't be "normal", we can still connect with our friends and people of our generation. You got this

That’s definitely hard, all children romanticize high school. While it’s never quite what most expect, you definitely got a shorter stick. Ignore the old assshats in the comments.

It does suck, but take solace in the fact that you're not alone, and your entire generation has been affected in the same way.