Hello little dude

By Anonymous - 19/05/2012 22:54 - United States

Today, I was about to get in the shower, when I felt an odd itch in my navel. I saw what I thought was bellybutton lint, so I pulled on it, and quickly realized what I had between my fingers was a still-squirming, headless tick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 567
You deserved it 2 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you realize....... The head's still in there somewhere, and it will re-grow its body eventually.


Seriously, Lyme Disease can get really bad if left untreated. Like Arthritis and sight and hearing problems for life. I strongly suggest you go in and get that head removed

noisebox 1

We're you sleeping in the forest again?

lilraindrop 0

That is really freaky!!!! I JUST had this happen to me I was about to get into the shower when i see that i had something black on my belly button I go to take it off but it won't come off that is when I realized it was a tick!!! So weird that is happened to you also!!!

lilraindrop 0

My husband dug it out and burned it... It had a creepy face and long gross legs now I look at the scare and get grossed out all over again

lilraindrop 0

My backyard is really over grown since we just moved in and there is a lot of dead gross which I looked up and saw that is where ticks like to live so we are getting some bug killer out there ASAP

You know, there's a country son about checking a girl for ticks as an excuse to take her clothes off. Maybe you can get a girl to use that in you.

redhedsaysrawr 18

omg thats an awesome song! haha


People, grow up. Getting Lyme is not the end of the world. I pull literally hundreds of ticks off our dogs and cats every year. I never bother to find tweezers or any of that crap. Although when the nymphs come out they like to ring around the cats' eyes and I have to use nail clippers to get them because they are so small. I've had Lyme twice and never did find the ticks responsible. Lyme isn't bad if you catch it early, I got the rash both times and the first time got the 'flu like' symptoms.

Sweetpea22 14

Oh yeah, it's not the end of the world. *Extreme sarcasm* My pregnant niece almost died from it