
By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, me and my boyfriend were telling each other secrets, so I told him I shaved my upper lip. He said, "I know, it's prickly when we make out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 850
You deserved it 27 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LLsuperfly 0

haha why on earth would you tell him that?

Ebonyloan 0

LOL I agree with #1, why would you share those kind of things? And btw, don't shave your upper lip. It comes out darker and thicker so waxing or threading is the way to go! :D


I remember clicking "No!" on this FML. Anyway, waxing is better than shaving. You should be happy he still made out with you if you had facial hair. It's a huge turn off.

you....SHAVE your upper lip? O-o Way to make a problem worse! And, moreover, why would you TELL HIM? Jebus... YDI

alex_vik 0
kdbattista 0

You just wrote an FML about how you took a dumb girl out for lobster.

actonthat 0

"Today, my boyfriend was completely accepting of one of my flaws. FML" srslywtf

Laser doesn't get rid of it forever :(

EGS830 0

Don't shave it, wax! Then it won't get prickly. You can also lighten it, too.