By Alex - 09/02/2017 21:00 - United States - Richardson

Today, I am home sick with a sinus infection. I had to break up a fight between my two dogs over who got to chew on my snotty tissue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 545
You deserved it 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't there plenty of snotty tissue to go around?

awildwhisper 30

That made me gag.. a lot. My dog loved to raid my trash bins for tissues.


species4872 19

Yeah, And we all really needed to know that.

Twice the flavor of a regular plain ol boring tissue. Who wouldn't wanna fight over it.

This doesn't surprise me. I witnessed one of my neighbour's dogs eat the other's shit. Dogs will basically eat anything they can get their jaws around.

Isn't there plenty of snotty tissue to go around?

awildwhisper 30

That made me gag.. a lot. My dog loved to raid my trash bins for tissues.

jcash52426 5

Dog fight! I bet the one on the left wins.