By Anonymous - 22/11/2015 05:45 - United States - Ossining

Today, we buried my mom. I walked past my sister's husband just in time to hear him mutter: "Hope the fire's nice and hot down there, you old hag." I told my sister. She wouldn't believe me and accused me of trying to start drama. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 270
You deserved it 2 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like he'll be seeing that fire. My condolences to you OP, I hope you feel better soon

Oh, it is! They got a real good heating guy who hooked them up with some sick insulation and temperature regulation controls! None of that cheap, cold fire you get in, like, purgatory.


Sounds like he'll be seeing that fire. My condolences to you OP, I hope you feel better soon

That is awful OP. Your brother-in-law is an asshole. You have my condolences.

Oh, it is! They got a real good heating guy who hooked them up with some sick insulation and temperature regulation controls! None of that cheap, cold fire you get in, like, purgatory.

91hayek 31

Well, they do have the best in the business down there. Hitler does know his gas and after losing in Russia knows the importance of needing to stay warm. Hell will not freeze over under his watch.

Especially since purgatory is mostly just running from vampires and shit.

#20 Supernatural right? Dean Winchester?

It's times like this when I wish I could give your profile more than one ****.

You're a better person than me, OP. I would have punched him, forget telling my sister first. I'm sorry about your mother.

ProximityToDeath 20

This is what it means to be heartless. Even if you have those kinds of thoughts, you shouldn't voice them, especially not around those who are mourning. I'm so sorry for your loss.

That's another reason always to have a voice recorder with you wherever you go. Also, really sorry about your mother i know how hard it can be..

poorjudgement 26

What a tought! Even if the OP had such unusual habit, it is unlikely that anyone would go around on their mother funeral recording people, just in case they say something mean.

Most phones have a voice recorder so you can be extra inconspicuous whilst being weird. (:

16 - Being on a phone at a funeral or burial isn't being inconspicuous, it's just being rude. And unless you're seriously paranoid you're not going to start recording and stick it in your pocket the entire time.

do you really think that the sister is so clueless that she doesn't know how her husband feels about her mum? my guess is she knows but wasn't wanting to hash it out with her sister.

I feel my sarcasm failed. *dramatic sobbing*

I'm sorry about your mum, son-in-law and mother-in-law relationships can be very tricky but even if there were bad feelings between them he should have kept his thoughts to himself. I know you probably had the best intentions, but what did you expect to gain from telling your sister? Especially while she's trying to deal with her grief too, it just seems it would've been best to wait until everyone's emotions were running a bit less high to raise your concerns about her insensitive husband.

91hayek 31

These are the most unfair and spiteful persons to know - they hold grudges forever. She's dead, let it go.