Got money to throw around? Get into real estate

By Anonymous - 05/03/2022 02:00

Today, I found out the sole reason my son insisted on buying the house he did is because he was told on the grapevine that one of his new neighbours is a hot 20-something who never closes her curtains to undress at night. I raised a perverted idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 123
You deserved it 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she's single, tell the dumbass it's better to be courteous and politely ask her out instead of being a creepy stalker. He probably has a disgusting **** addiction which makes him think peeping is cool. Weirdo...

homehints1001 7

Wanting to see that is normal but most people would want to see it with consent from the other person.


If she's single, tell the dumbass it's better to be courteous and politely ask her out instead of being a creepy stalker. He probably has a disgusting **** addiction which makes him think peeping is cool. Weirdo...

I agree with the idiot part. A hot 20-something will soon get a boyfriend who will shut down the peep show and he'll has zero reasons for that major purchase. I take exception with the perverted part. Society brainwashes us into considering hot 20-something women to be the most desirable people of the human race. Wanting to look at that is normal.

homehints1001 7

Wanting to see that is normal but most people would want to see it with consent from the other person.

I agree that it's creepy and invasive and inappropriate. It's just not perverse by society's standards.

Nikki 17

Let’s not try to normalize looking into someone’s private bedroom while they undress

JuicyPP 2

Well, don't help him with any financial problems he may have. I can totally see him being all, "Yeah, I can't afford my mortgage, I need a loan." Don't do it.