By NowHomeless - 31/08/2010 23:13 - United States

Today, my roommate woke me up during afternoon nap to tell me that I need to move out. His reason: "Our political differences will likely escalate to violence." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 794
You deserved it 3 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Well at least he gave you the oportunity to escape before he released his crazy on you.

To avoid a political argument, next time just change the subject to religion.


SoundnVasion 0

are you black? and does he think slavery should be reinstated?

This was an argument about who make hotter president wasn't it?

who make hotter president?'re probably not arguing politics much these days eh 17?

25 is right, you probably slept with his sister and is too much of a pussy to kick you in the nuts and bury you alive so he kicks you out on the pretext that your political differences will lead to violence...really?...only people who take politics to that extreme are Muslims...ftw!

I really want to say you two are idiots. but I'm ignorant so we' let it slide

You should've kicked his ass. Problem solved.

He sounds like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.. haha

RedPillSucks 31

@29 Really, Muslims are arguing about religion more than politics? I didn't know that Timothy McVey, or the UniBomber were Muslim. And the people who shoot abortion doctors or bomb clinics will be really surprised. I'm sure the "Christian Identity" and the KKK and other neo-nazi groups will be shocked as well.

sexyscooter 0

woke you "during afternoon nap"? what are you, a toddler? ydi.

sounds like a very good reason to me. it's also the funniest reason I have heard in a very long time

azhein 0

it probably will especially if he is that in to it. almost every time I talk about politics it becomes an argument.

To avoid a political argument, next time just change the subject to religion.

Wtfmlib 0

yeah cause no one ever argues about religion

just wow! well u are better off without him

mama2b3 20
schwancy 2

Well at least he gave you the oportunity to escape before he released his crazy on you.

Tequila_Hilton 3

ahahaha. you deserved it, for moving in with a nerd.

1. Being a nerd isn't a bad thing. 2. Being interested in politics makes you a nerd? Really? EDIT: Although in this case, "interested" may be an understatement, this person sounds nuts.

No question about it. Your roommate was a liberal.

iron_chefITALY 0

politics are a touch subject for gays