Good one, dude

By Directionally challenged - 11/04/2013 16:18 - United States

Today, I started my new job as a mail carrier. One of my assigned roads was Milbrooke Street, which I'd never heard of. After driving around for ages trying to find it, I called for directions. The street doesn't exist in my city; it's just the boss's way of seeing how stupid you are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 194
You deserved it 8 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For pay back you should give him the "I just took a shit on your rug" face.

wow, that was mean of him, that doesn't make ur stipid, there are lots of streets I don't know about, don't feel bad OP that doesn't make u stupid


That's stupid in the first place. if you're living in a city you very likely aren't going to know the name of EVERY street. Then starting a new job you're obviously going to do your best and look for the feckin place! Anybody would make that mistake. FYL

Time to quit. The boss is the stupid one.

stewpididiot 11

No wonder the USPS is losing so much money!! 2/3 of the management is absolutely useless!!

What are you doing on the road, when you don't know where you are going ? Ever heard of using a map ? I have to agree with your boss on this one!

Total dick. But as a rookie u have to be prepared for pranks.

What a moron, you should have called and told him you found the street. He would keep a "WTF" expression the whole time.

twaumat 28

Ignorance isn't the same thing as stupidity. Ignorance is fine (it just means you don't know something), and absolutely every human being is ignorant of a lot of things (think about how big the universe is and wonder what's going on a billion light years from here. No human being knows.). You can still be smart if you're willing to dispel ignorance when it's necessary (i.e. you need to learn something that matters). Stupid people are often ignorant to the point of frustration, but not knowing every street in your city is hardly a dangerous form of ignorance. I surely don't know every street in mine and have learned after living in many cities all over the world that being able to read a map (or operate a GPS) is a far more useful skill since your head can only be filled with so much. ;)

davek 36

Left handed glass hammer Tartan paint Skyhooks Tin of elbow grease And the best one, how much are hookers?

Didn't you notice you had no letters for the street?