By DangerousDriver - 03/07/2017 22:10

Today, while delivering for a building supply company, I was sent to an incorrect address. I attempted to turn around and got the 24-foot truck stuck in the mud. The homeowner left for work and then called the cops, saying someone was trespassing on his property. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 578
You deserved it 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meh45 8

That's why it's simpler to just go around the block. If you get into the same situation again, you can say "Remember what happened last time?"


Meh45 8

That's why it's simpler to just go around the block. If you get into the same situation again, you can say "Remember what happened last time?"

Codyjw1 5

I can't go around the block when I drove up a 1/2 dirt road the width of the truck, haha

You kinda were trespassing, weren't you? Your company should be on the hook for all the expenses, etc. However, you'll probably get fired for being a... *wait on it* ... stick in the mud.

What did he think you were going to do, camp out overnight?

The homeowner is probably thinking he'll need a police report to get your company to pay damages. Although, a criminal complaint is a bit overboard.

What happened when the cops arrived lol