Get me out

By Anonymous - 19/05/2015 20:58 - United Kingdom - Duns

Today, I spent half-an-hour trapped inside my dog's crate. The door locked behind me as I squeezed myself inside to stroke her. After bellowing at my family in the garden for what felt like an eternity, they came through just to laugh and take pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 970
You deserved it 9 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dylanger16 19

Why did you put your whole body into the crate to pet the dog?

You would have done the same to them if it had been the other way around.


How could you not get out is what I don't understand, I mean Iv seen dogs that are smart enough to find a way out..

yeah, I suppose it is a crate, where the lock is outside of a plastic edge, as opposed to a cage, in which you could easily slip your fingers through and undo the latch.

Helldemon 32

Either way, she squeezed herself into it meaning her ass was at the gate and I very much doubt she would be able to turn around inside the crate

100% would have laughed and taken photos, to be honest I wouldn't expect anything less if I was in the cage

bsums203 13

How did you fit in the kennel in the first place and you couldn't open the lock through the bars?

obliviongillette 18

That'll be a great story to show and tell the grandkids...and your dogs future puppies.

TheNiceOne 20

At least your dog stayed by you.

91hayek 31

Your dog must be really timid for you to have to actually get in the crate to pet it. Is it scared of you for some reason?

Seeing that a crate is there to give a dog its own space, ydi op. Next time you want a cuddle wait till the dog is out of the crate.

jacky75_fml 21

Where can I find the pictures on facebook? (^_^)

pleasedie 22

Did they bring you some treats ?