Gender bender

By Anonymous - 14/12/2022 15:00 - United States - Virginia Beach

Today, on my first day as a middle school substitute teacher, the class I was in had blue passes for boys and red passes for girls. The kid in the front row raised a number two for the bathroom, so I handed her a red pass, only for him to brush his hair back and say, "I'm a boy." The whole class laughed and called him "Babe". FML
I agree, your life sucks 837
You deserved it 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How remarkably up to date that they went to the trouble of having both boy and girl bathroom passes at that school! … There is much about this that is just needlessly sad and stupid.


"Raised a number two?" Are we talking about a #2 pencil (my third-favorite cousin) or a piece of poo?

How remarkably up to date that they went to the trouble of having both boy and girl bathroom passes at that school! … There is much about this that is just needlessly sad and stupid.

Time to petition the school to trash this backward system. Maybe "Babe" could help you if you apologize to them.

hall passes.... imagine living in a country that claims to love freedom, but requires students to literally have physical proof of being allowed to take a crap.