By hbt51 - 17/08/2015 19:56 - United States - Blue Ridge

Today, while out jogging, I was suddenly hit with unbelievable gastric distress. I wasn't wearing brown pants when I set out on that jog, but I sure was when I made it back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 022
You deserved it 1 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never ever ever tell anyone about this

I hate it when this happens! I try to drink a good amount of water and do jumping jacks, and small exercises to warm up before my runs to make sure nothing is gonna get loose on the run. Hope the next run is better OP


If nobody saw it it never happened... Make sure you find out why it did!

Never ever ever tell anyone about this

Murilirum 23
tantanpanda 26

At least it's anonymous (as in we don't know who he is in real life).

larrena2377 26

19, that's what anonymous means.

johnny29 14

i'm so sorry op. maybe next time check more carefully what you eat and find out what caused it.

hahaha sorry but that's terribly funny. FYL OP.

I hate it when this happens! I try to drink a good amount of water and do jumping jacks, and small exercises to warm up before my runs to make sure nothing is gonna get loose on the run. Hope the next run is better OP

You should probably throw those pants out.

Bro that is some shit ! Pardon the pun. I hope no one or a very mininum amount of people saw. Don't beat yourself up too much over it sometimes shit like that just happens. Again, pardon the pun. You genuinely got sick in the middle of a jog, one time i threw up on someone's lawn while they were in the middle of grooming it, don't sweat it man.

thaqueen_fml 15

Sometimes shit literally happens.

"I shit myself. But I was jogging so it makes sense." You're gross and YDI. You can stop jogging, you know. Then find a bathroom or squat in the woods.

Yeah because OP was just jogging along and thought, "I have to take a poo. You know what **** it, I'll just shit my pants and keep on truckin'" Ever think maybe it just happened without much warning and they couldn't stop it? Even if they tried to drop pants behind a bush they may have been noticed and arrested for indecency.