Feet issues

By fet - 23/08/2012 14:30 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I had to shave my feet in order to wear ballet flats. I'm not a hobbit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 215
You deserved it 3 452

Same thing different taste


Use nair or something like that instead

women get hair on their feet. Some get more, some get less. For some, it's dark, others so light that it is nearly invisible. Shave and move on.

Have you been seeing any tall wizards dressed in grey lately? He might have something about it. Him and that tricky little ring you have to carry around

Wax them instead... Hair will grow I'm thinner after waxing.

That's fine; I have hairy feet too. I bet occasional waxing will eventually make the darkness of the hair go away.

Don't worry, you're not the only one. I work with a hobbit.