By Anonymous - 22/12/2009 01:30 - Canada

Today, I got fed up with the amount of hair on my feet, so I went to get my foot hair waxed off. When I removed my socks, the waxer laughed the amount of foot hair. I'm a 18 year old female and it appears I have feet that were last seen on Big Foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 062
You deserved it 4 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What are you doing waxing your feet?! Get the ring to Mordor and destroy it!

I HATE people like that! Immature bastards, the lot of them. This is why i prefer doing personal hair-care at home. I risk not doing it right, but at least I'll keep everyone from looking at me and laughing at me because that's how my hair NATURALLY grows! FYL indeed, OP.


What are you doing waxing your feet?! Get the ring to Mordor and destroy it!

*hands you the prize for best first comment in ages*

I laughed really hard when I read this :D My father would too ;D (loves Lord of the Rings)

AnaMaree 0

Someone explain the joke. I don't get it.

Haha, I was gonna come make the same point. OP, you just need to join a Tolkien fan group. It's really a gift; take take that from a guy who has repeatedly been unwillingly nicknamed "Frodo"

Thunderbender 2

Such win... when the first comment on a FML is supposed to be the most fail... I've entered the twilight zone O_o

Life_is_FML 22

Go frodo, it all depends on you!

K410 18

I know this was written 4 years ago but you are the coolest chick I've ever seen on FML

Brighton_Cruz 20

I HATE people like that! Immature bastards, the lot of them. This is why i prefer doing personal hair-care at home. I risk not doing it right, but at least I'll keep everyone from looking at me and laughing at me because that's how my hair NATURALLY grows! FYL indeed, OP.

Hiding away and being spiteful towards all professionals in this industry isn't a solution. If they make a rude comment speak up. You are the customer and should not feel ashamed. If they're nonchalant about it then a complaint to their manager or even a detailed critique about service online can help fix this person's professionalism or prevent other people from using their services.

That's ******* nasty. Buy some nair to keep at the crib. ...then save up for electrolysis. Real-Talk.

Well, Hobbits aren't normally seen outside The Shire, so she's probably never met one.

That sucks, FYL indeed. There's nothing you can do when genetics gives you some annoying / ugly / socially unacceptable feature like that. Then people laugh at you for attempting to fix it by shaving, waxing, using products, whatever, but you know they'd think you were a beast if you just let it be. No win situation. Also, that waxer was extremely unprofessional, and I hope you left immediately rather than paying for their services.

eioval 2

''nair to keep at the crib'' LOL But i feel sorry for you op. i bet the waxer was a dropout airhead whos daddy put her through beauty school. Ergh, stupid bitchhh haha.

meunknown101 0

Aww, it's okay, just buy wax and do it yourself! :]

i wouldn't worry about it too much, not just because its an easy fix, but because guys really don't care, besides when your feet are up where guys eyes are, the lights will be dimmer.... now if you said you had a flat but, or floppy boobs, that might be a concern, even if you have the hairiest feet ever, there are guys with a hirsute fetish,google it.... what really is going on, the person who plays with feet and wax for a living is making your "problem" a huge problem so you will spend lots of cash to fix it...not caring that there are way cheaper alternatives, including getting a dude that is turned on by it.... really only some guys are into feet, or hair, or both, the rest of us aren't going to care...

ahahaha... i hope this person doesn't have a flat butt or floppy boobs, or you REALLY made their day!

Because women want to look good for men and only for men /sarcasm/

They do that on purpose so you feel like you need to keep coming back (and keep paying them).