Fat chance

By Dave - 23/04/2012 13:22 - United States - Brookfield

Today, I left my number on my receipt for a cute waitress. As I was leaving the bar, she came running out and called me over. I obviously got excited. Turns out I'd forgotten to sign my slip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 655
You deserved it 22 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_Troller 14

Why Must People Type Like This? I Always Read Each Word Like It's The Start Of A New Sentence. Does Anyone Else Do That?


fuckmebutdontfml 16
linkinpark98 23

I don't really see this as an FML..?

I can see this both ways; some people don't want to be approached while working, others would prefer being direct. YDI though because you should have made sure you signed the receipt. That's not the way to get remembered, because now you're the guy who can't figure out how to pay your bill!

rightspark 7

We know where you're mind was at it wasn't on signing the receipt

hateevryone 14

Tell the number is ur signature, and continue walking like A boss xD