Family coincidence

By Anonymous - 06/11/2019 02:30

Today with a DNA test, I found out that my husband is my half brother. 30 years ago his father made a donation to the sperm bank my mother used, and I’m the result. To make matters worse, I’m pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 738
You deserved it 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

That's unfortunate, but you shouldn't divorce him over that. More than likely, nothing bad will happen.

Does your family have any known recessive genetic diseases? If not, don't worry about the kid. Have you told your husband yet?


Mathalamus 24

That's unfortunate, but you shouldn't divorce him over that. More than likely, nothing bad will happen.

Does your family have any known recessive genetic diseases? If not, don't worry about the kid. Have you told your husband yet?

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

the kid will be known as an incest freak like me

pins91 27

Out of the literal MILLIONS of sperm in a sperm bank, your mum just HAPPENED to pick your dads who had a kid to another chick who happened to be the man of your dreams? I feel like this is a fake post...

I would go to the dr straight away a make sure, you and your husband being half siblings isn’t going to cause your baby any health issues. Then either have the baby or have an abortion.

Aww don’t feel weird. No one has to know

This also means that you both probably have other siblings that you don't know about.

I’m not buying this. OP is clearly lying. Either she’s lying the whole thing or she’s making stuff up about sperm bank

You know this as an objective fact how?

EmDizzle2007 28

this provides a good question... is this morally questionable if neither you or your other family had any way of knowing this could happen??