By Flora - 17/04/2013 22:56 - United States - Watsonville

Today, I got ancestry DNA tests for my parents and myself. The DNA testing company informed me that I'm a 50% match for my mother but I share no DNA with my father. Apparently, both my parents forgot that they used a sperm donor. This insignificant detail has slipped their minds for 35 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 656
You deserved it 3 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even though it would have been best for them to tell you, maybe it just didn't matter to them because they know that the real parents are who raise you, not who you are biologically from.

That sucks FYL! but as long as your "father" treated you with love and raised you as his own,then remember the good memories and know he loves you just as he would if you were his real son


untouchable763 10

I forgot where I left my keys today. Almost as bad right?

I can't find my headphones! My life is over FML! :'(

Even though it would have been best for them to tell you, maybe it just didn't matter to them because they know that the real parents are who raise you, not who you are biologically from.

ApollosMyth 22

I couldn't agree with this more. I'm adopted, but my parents are who raised me the majority of my life. Not the people that birthed me.

bleedingglitter 24

Yeah for most things that's true unless OP needed some biological information for a medical issue.

That sucks FYL! but as long as your "father" treated you with love and raised you as his own,then remember the good memories and know he loves you just as he would if you were his real son

It shouldn't suck though. It's a possibility that her father could provide her mum with children and they went down another route. I can understand the initial shock but I can also understand why the parents didn't say anything. In my opinion it's quite irrelevant as they obviously both wanted children and it's a good possibility that OP has had a good life. :)

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

I agree that forgetting they used a sperm donor 35 years ago would be upsetting, but if they loved you from the day you were born, you can forgive them, right OP?

shadowedpixie 19

I don't really see why this is a huge deal. It doesn't change who you are, fundamentally, to have different genetics than you previously thought. Your parents are your parents, no matter who contributed to your creation.

hellobobismyname 24

Well knowing your birth parents can give you a lot of insight on medical histories and certain illnesses you might be at risk for. Maybe that's OP's concern?

Well.. Maybe it isn't such a bad thing. You are their child whether it be biological or not

9lashes 15

While that does suck not knowing for 35 years, that shouldnt change anything. They raised you and gave you love (i think) i dont see how this should change your view of them so dramatically

That kinda sucks. But if what they are telling you is true I'm sure they had good reason. On the flip side maybe your mom wasn't faithful? Either way, he raised you from a baby and so long as he did a good job I would consider him my father were I in your situation.

How do they forget something that huge? Amnesia? What is this? "All My Children?"

Speaking as someone who's the product of a sperm donor, it can be a very touchy subject for my father. Your parents probably just never mentioned it out of fear that it would effect how you felt about your father.