Failing upwards

By Anonymous - 01/09/2022 11:00 - United States - Clear Lake

Today, I found out the job I applied for in IT was offered to coworker. I'm going to school for it, she has no degree/desire/knowledge of it. She was my trainer, I literally worked beside her for 2.5 years, and kept saying, "I hope you get it, I'm not going to apply." It was offered 5 days ago, which I found out about from another coworker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 008
You deserved it 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiptoppc 19

I’ve seen this before (I work in IT now), where they don’t want to pay for that degree/certification what it’s worth, so they’d rather hire at rock bottom wages and use someone they can mold into the role without paying for the expertise. It’s an Eff-you to the rapidly needed IT workers. It’s why they abused the H1-B visas in USA to hire sub-par people in another country so they don’t have to pay the going wages for professionals. Geek Squad at Best Buy is a prime example of this. Then again, their “toolkit” is a fully scripted USB flash drive and they hire idiots to do the work. I clean up regularly after those guys. Amazing some of the shit they’ve done to “fix” computers. They even totaled a computer I was asked to fix, permanently breaking it requiring a new pc (it was a laptop, they broke 7 things in it while doing a memory dimm install)

probably so they can pay her less for the lack of degree


tiptoppc 19

I’ve seen this before (I work in IT now), where they don’t want to pay for that degree/certification what it’s worth, so they’d rather hire at rock bottom wages and use someone they can mold into the role without paying for the expertise. It’s an Eff-you to the rapidly needed IT workers. It’s why they abused the H1-B visas in USA to hire sub-par people in another country so they don’t have to pay the going wages for professionals. Geek Squad at Best Buy is a prime example of this. Then again, their “toolkit” is a fully scripted USB flash drive and they hire idiots to do the work. I clean up regularly after those guys. Amazing some of the shit they’ve done to “fix” computers. They even totaled a computer I was asked to fix, permanently breaking it requiring a new pc (it was a laptop, they broke 7 things in it while doing a memory dimm install)

probably so they can pay her less for the lack of degree