By frigid - 12/10/2011 01:05

Today, I found out my landlord is too cheap to turn up the hot water tank enough to have a comfortable shower. There's a huge padlock on the door, she won't budge, and I'm signed in until December. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 973
You deserved it 2 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nomudkips 4

You need to keep your water heater at 140F/60C, otherwise Legionnaire's disease bacteria can grow inside the tank. It should be 125F/50C at minimum.

Check renter's rights in your area. There may be a standard your cheap ass landlord has to abide by.


Bolt cutters, cordless angle grinder, reciprocating saw, or even a hand saw. Go at it my friend.

Dust-off and a hammer. You'll figure it out.

TraceCase_ 19

I picked a lock recently with a bobby pin, tiny screwdriver, google and a little patience. Go for it, OP!

I'm sure there's probably a 'Lockpicking for Dummies' book out there somewhere...

OP - Please look for so_tired_zzzzzzz post, as it will actually be helpful.

pinkp909 8

That should be fun. Good luck!

You know, we dont ride polar bears to school/work and live in igloos. Its hitting 30 degrees where I am today. The only time when it gets too cold is october/november (till about march) and her lease is over in december.

Ouch! Good luck with that! I hate being cold!

nomudkips 4

You need to keep your water heater at 140F/60C, otherwise Legionnaire's disease bacteria can grow inside the tank. It should be 125F/50C at minimum.

FYLDeep 25

Yeah, take her to court and say that she's trying to kill you with her unsafe water heating practices.

nomudkips 4

Probably wouldn't work. There are situations where it's better to keep it colder, like if you have babies / old folks / anyone else sensitive to hot water.

So run cold water with the hot; it's not that hard. Also, yesmudkips.

Nomud, where do you see in this post that OP is a senior citizen or even a baby? Surely if they were either they wouldn't be telling te story on FML so your point seems invalid. I say lawyer up and get a case going. This seems truly unfair.

Not to mention you live in Alberta. I feel for you.. Hahaha FYL op..:/

:S I agree. This FML is made all the more painful because of that. At least OP can try and find a better place/get this solved for jan and feb, which are the real Canadian winter killers.

enonymous 8

Jedi mind tricks work wonders. I got my landlord to let me have a neon pink paint job by using it...

*waves hand* Monopoly money will be fine...

FYL for having to take cold showers in Alberta.

Hang in there till December, then run like hell!

Check renter's rights in your area. There may be a standard your cheap ass landlord has to abide by.

Yeah, that's what i was going to say, i think OP may be able to demand more hot water.

Poetaster 10

Should be fun when you don't pay rent. Notify them in writing that theyare required, by law, to keep the premisis in a "habitable" condition. This is not habitable. Then .., sue them. I hate slum lords.