By TysonY2 - 26/01/2015 22:30 - United States - Boise

Today, I mentioned to my girlfriend that I'd sent in a job application after she went home. In front of her parents. Who thought she'd stayed the night at a friend's place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 369
You deserved it 8 875

TysonY2 tells us more.

CLARIFICATION: (Yes I am the op) Yes, she stayed the night at my house. We are both 18, and have been dating for 4 years. Her parents had been assuming we had been "fooling" around for quite some time, so they weren't really per say SHOCKED when it slipped my mind. We both live with our parents, but my mom left for the night. The reason it slipped my mind was because she was the one who told me there was an opening (she saw a sign as we were driving back from getting coffee the morning after), so to my stupid ass brain attributed her directly to applying in the first place. Her mom laughed, and her dad remained silent. Her little brother also remained silent.

Top comments

Unless you specified a time, you should've been able to play it off. It's not like you said "oh, when you left my place this morning and I was picking your panties off the chandelier, I thought maybe I could be a French maid so I sent in an application."

You're screwed AND careless. I'm assuming you knew prior to saying it that she was keeping it a secret from them.


You got caught slipping op. just be careful next time

She did sleep at a friends place... her BOYfriends place..

She didn't tell you that her parents didn't know she was with you?

I don't know, I read it as he knew and that it was an accident. Sometimes you don't realize what you actually said until you've already said it. F the girlfriend's life. :(

Kaalschneid 21

I thought she cheated on him... wow, just now do I realize a pattern in my life, there....

If your gf can't be mature enough to tell her parents she is staying with you, you don't need to date her. Too young.

hockeygoalie13 15

Some parents are just very strict and have unreasonable punishments for things like this. A lot of times it's just better if those parents don't know their rules are broke. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with her maturity.

I'm 20 soon to be 21 and my mom doesn't approve of me sharing a bed with someone I'm in a relationship with. Even though I'm even away at college.

I'm so glad my parents were OK with me one day becoming an adult. Seriously, unless she's underage it shouldn't be their business.

MaydayParadexx 18

Or they could be in high school

I mean. For all they know you could've been skyping or face timing or something?

It's still applicable; she could've been at her friend's house and left to go home...

You're screwed AND careless. I'm assuming you knew prior to saying it that she was keeping it a secret from them.

Heaven forbid she spends the night with someone who's applying for jobs! Should've known better than to go mention any of that ambition-having shit in front of her parents, you foolish man with a bright future!

I agree, that's why I don't get this FML and most of the comments.

He could only be sixteen or so and applying for jobs. Im assuming his girlfriend is around the same age so they might not think she's old enough to sleep at a guy's house, regardless of if he has a job or not.

Unless you specified a time, you should've been able to play it off. It's not like you said "oh, when you left my place this morning and I was picking your panties off the chandelier, I thought maybe I could be a French maid so I sent in an application."

kirbs19 37

I was so confused at first and then it dawned on me...

Was to late. She had confessed right after when they began probing to what it was I meant.

Am I the only one who read this as OP was the only one unaware their girlfriend was spending the night at a "friend's" when they assumed she went home?

I read it the same way, so not just you. Hoping this isn't the case and that it is as others have said instead. OP may need to follow up / clarify

Silver_89 9

She stayed with him but lied to her parents, saying she spent the night with a friend. That lie was revealed when OP said he sent in a job application after she left HIS house, thus her parents learned where she really spent the night.