By Anonymous - 11/09/2009 14:48 - Canada

Today, I was putting my horse away into her pasture, when I slipped in the mud. In a haisty attempt to support myself, I grabbed the electric fence in on hand, and my horse with the other. The shock from the fence traveled through me to her, sending her running and leaving me with 2 broken teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 187
You deserved it 6 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done that before (minus the broken teeth). And anybody who is ignorant enough to think that electric fences are cruel, think again. They prevent the horses from ploughing through the wooden fence which often causes serious and sometimes fatal damage. The electric fence is only a small shock (like a static shock) and they rarely touch it. It protects them from serious injury. Accidents happen people, chill out.

That's a pretty major FYL. Electrocuted and kicked in the teeth by a horse. And probably muddied. Ouch =(


Poonheart 0

Another bullshit FML... A shock from an electric fence would really hurt you... and a ******* horse kicking you in the mouth? (That's what I assume) Buddy, if a horse kicked you in the mouth, two missing teeth would be the last of your problems. You would have a crushed jaw, and you could have died. I call bullshit on this dumb FML

palmtrees 1

Ehh, depends on the angle at which the OP fell and the horse kicked... if the edge of the hoof glanced off her mouth it's possible. And if the horse was barefoot there wouldn't be quite as much damage as if it were shod... you never know with horse injuries.

bunnywuffles 0

Well she never said the horse kicked her. She might have hit a rock or something.

Hey, **** you. Have you ever touched an electric fence? You don't die. And who said the horse kicked her? She probably just fell and hit the fence with her mouth or something. A horse wouldn't kick someone in the mouth anyway.

Poonheart 0

Oh yes, that' so true! Horses obviously don't kick people in the mouth because of their moral values! I mean, even if it was shocked, a horse would still uphold common courtesy and avoid the mouth! How could I have been so stupid?

dotsdesu 0

"putting my horse into her pasture" sounds awfully sexual to me. no wonder you got two broken teeth. violent tendency woman.

cucuto89 0

the schock wouldn't even hit the horse. it'd take the shortest path to the ground. through your arm, and then through your foot

palmtrees 1

It would go both into the ground and travel into the horse... if you don't believe me, try holding the hand of someone else while they grab an electric fence.

@79 overreaction i can bet half the fmls on this site r made up its not that hard.

@116 hahaha lol courtesey.... u know it doesnt rly exist any more now does it????

FYL for not living in the city where there is no mud

YDI for being Canadian... America, **** Yeah!!!

shelba97 5

ydi you should know never to make any sudden movements around a horse let alone shock it

its nice ur patriotic but dont hate on drake's hometown ugh some peoples kids

Sodapop40 21

79, my friend got kicked in the mouth by her horse before and just just got a split lip. Maybe OP fell? And also, you wouldn't die from getting a shock from an electric fence. It doesn't even hurt that bad, just your joints are kind of sore after.

OH my gosh. Oh wow. Oww. Thats really all I can say.

Read this fml but replace horse with hoes LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

Meh, I read this dirty. I thought about the "I put my horse in her pasture." If you know what I mean.

Shit happens. Hopefully they weren't front teeth, pending where the horse kicked. And anyone who says he deserves it, deserves to get anything bad in life, since this was clearly just an accident.

playfuldesk 0

Yes and I'm from the country you don't put horses in electric fences asshole

Cassia_events 0

Yes, you can. I ride horses at some very nice places and they have electric fencing. Sometimes it is just hot tape, usually they will have their wooden or vinyl fencing with a strip of electric on the inside to keep the horses from chewing/pushing the fencing over/etc. It isn't on high enough to hurt the horse. It just gives them a zap and they go "whoa! Don't want to stand there anymore!" It is much, much kinder than something like barbed wire or the nails that hold wooden fencing together and can pierce a leg if a horse pushes on the fence right. Just because you are from the country doesn't mean you know anything about horses

Sun_Kissed18 25

Cassia_events is right! And i was just about to say that, so thanks :)

ohh for **** sake 'the country' as in rolling hills and open paddocks, as opposed to urban communities and cities dipshit.

Megan98 18

I'm from the "country", and I have a multitude of horses. They are also kept in a pasture with either barbed wire, or electric fences. I have no idea why you think they can't be kept in one, but that's where many of my horses stay...

hazelwolfeyes 0

O.O the poor horse! what were you thinking?!

#7 are you a complete retard? If not, then you've obviously never fallen, ever. Reflexes take over

That's a pretty major FYL. Electrocuted and kicked in the teeth by a horse. And probably muddied. Ouch =(

I've done that before (minus the broken teeth). And anybody who is ignorant enough to think that electric fences are cruel, think again. They prevent the horses from ploughing through the wooden fence which often causes serious and sometimes fatal damage. The electric fence is only a small shock (like a static shock) and they rarely touch it. It protects them from serious injury. Accidents happen people, chill out.

My instructor had a horse that injured himself very badly running into a wire fence and as a result had to be put down. I completely agree electric fences are much more humane

Sorraia 0

Ouch! And for everyone saying this is horrible (because of the electric fence) they're not that bad. Enough to give a little jolt, but I've accidentally touched ours enough to know it's not a big deal. Sucky timing.

Touched and grabbed is a pretty big difference and yes they hurt like **** if you grab one.

Sorraia 0

The reason I related the feeling to a 'little jolt' was to give an idea to the idiots saying "OMG Poor horse!" for it getting shocked through the poster.