Just hope he's not a snitch

By BobSagetLives - 12/04/2022 02:00

Today, I texted a close friend, who has the same first name as a coworker with the same first name, spelled one letter off. Both saved by first name only in my contacts. I ended up telling my coworker about the great value of my marijuana purchase. My company has a zero tolerance policy for marijuana. FML
I agree, your life sucks 260
You deserved it 1 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ayaaya 16

did you not look at the previous messages that were sent? was that not an indication for you?

First of all, your workplace sucks. Second of all, even if you typically only save people in your phone by first name, just saving the work one with “Work” as the last name should solve the issue.


ayaaya 16

did you not look at the previous messages that were sent? was that not an indication for you?

First of all, your workplace sucks. Second of all, even if you typically only save people in your phone by first name, just saving the work one with “Work” as the last name should solve the issue.

You shouldn’t smoke: not only does it make you repeat the same words several times but it makes you call people you don’t want to call….

Just because you found a great value for a purchase doesn't mean you possess the weed or that you smoked it. They can't prove it, don't be so paranoid.

kitten79TX 5

The OP LITERALLY said they told the coworker about "the purchase." *SMH* So there IS proof that the O.P. engaged in buying illegal drugs. You should smoke less weed. It's killing your brain cells.

Not necessarily. We don't know what state the OP lives in. Not all marijuana purchases are illegal. Corporate policies are usually based on failed drug tests. In this day and age of worker shortages, they are not going to fire someone pre-emptively. Maybe they'll get a "random" drug test soon.

kitten79TX 5

*Sigh* Don't text about illegal stuff. EVER. *SMH* This is common sense.

and this is why I put "(work) kevin" for example keeps little things like that from happening