One law for thee…

By Anonymous - 16/05/2021 22:00

Today, I realised my mom is a big hypocrite for telling me sex is wrong and sinful outside marriage, because I just worked out from their marriage certificate my mom must have been pregnant with me in college, and I was born after they’d only been married for 4 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 442
You deserved it 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What you view as hypocrisy, she probably views as "trying to make sure my kid doesn't make the same mistakes I made."

bleachedraven 14

As people grow older, they gain new knowledge & experience and may not be like they were in their younger days. However if you are an ADULT, and of sound mind to make your own decisions, do what is right for you.


bleachedraven 14

As people grow older, they gain new knowledge & experience and may not be like they were in their younger days. However if you are an ADULT, and of sound mind to make your own decisions, do what is right for you.

That’s what we call experience. Though not all expériences must be taken into account.

"Do as they say, not as they do". That being said, the decision is yours.

Maybe she feels like a sinner for that and doesn't want you do the same thing she did... I dont necessarily agree, but moms say stuff to try to protect their kids from the "mistakes" they think they made themselves.

What you view as hypocrisy, she probably views as "trying to make sure my kid doesn't make the same mistakes I made."

Nhayaa2.0 17

And that kind of speech is precisely why some teenage girls end up pregnant. Abstinence is not a solution, education is. I'll never understand how people don't get that...

tkarch 2

How did it take you that long? Just seeing some wedding photos throughout life should have been enough.

Or maybe she's trying to save you from making some of the same choices she did, which made her life more difficult. Parents don't want their children making the sane mistakes they made when younger. So what often seems hypocritical is actually them trying to protect you. You'll understand this when you become a parent. You'll see parents aren't actually as stupid as their children think they are.

Yummi_913 18

Lol same! Exactly 4 weeks! And now my mom's bitter that I had my first child by the age she was pregnant with her third, because I'm "supposed to be the ****-up" but instead I had the nerve to do better than her 🙃