Thanks, vultures

By Seizure Surprise - 21/02/2024 23:00 - United States

Today, I had a seizure at work and had to go to the hospital. I'd saved up a bunch of money and was on the verge of moving out at the embarrassing age of 26, but thanks to lackluster health insurance, I lost all of my money and am now in debt. I also now can't drive for six months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 670
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hopejm 5

all hospitals have a finance office. go there and tell them your story and maybe you can get assistance for those bills and get your money back. just make sure to bring your last W2 forms and maybe any monthly bills you have to pay. hope this helps.

TomeDr 24

Call the hospital and work out a payment plan. You’d be amazed at how little you need to pay per month.


You had a seizure, and you are ok. No permanent damage. Be happy for that. The older you get, the more you'll notice how not everything can be fixed.

hopejm 5

all hospitals have a finance office. go there and tell them your story and maybe you can get assistance for those bills and get your money back. just make sure to bring your last W2 forms and maybe any monthly bills you have to pay. hope this helps.

TomeDr 24

Call the hospital and work out a payment plan. You’d be amazed at how little you need to pay per month.