Don't touch my stuff

By Anonymous - 08/07/2020 08:02

Today, I found out where all my favourite things have been disappearing to: the garbage bin, one item at a time, courtesy of my girlfriend, who it seems wants me in a suit reading the Financial Times on a Saturday, instead of my favourite Jedi dressing gown reading Game of Thrones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 106
You deserved it 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TinScarecrow 15

If she isn't respecting your property or what you enjoy she isn't respecting you

rotflqtms_ 21

Who really wants to be in a suit reading a boring paper anyway? is she going to wear heels and read the newspaper with you? SMH... I would rather do something FUN on my days off...


TinScarecrow 15

If she isn't respecting your property or what you enjoy she isn't respecting you

Time to bust out the old Jedi mind tricks. “These are not the droid toys you’re looking for.”

rotflqtms_ 21

Who really wants to be in a suit reading a boring paper anyway? is she going to wear heels and read the newspaper with you? SMH... I would rather do something FUN on my days off...

hisspunkyone 2

Get out! You have to be comfortable in your own home. Full stop.

Maybe it's time to put away childish things?

Like her? I agree, she can be put on the street.

Relationships are all about compromise. Maybe he should read Das Kapital in full mime make-up.

Like wearing suits and reading the financial section because you think that's what adults do.

bloopaloop 27

Sure, have fun. You could also grow up. These things are not mutually exclusive

Wearing a suit and reading the financial times is playacting at being an adult and is pretty damn childish. Unless you're a stockbroker or actually like wearing suits.

Dump her bitch ass. She clearly doesnt love you for you

Toss her favorite things then toss her to the curb.

bobsanction 18

Time to put her in the garbage bin.

Leaving may be an option but I'd suggest giving karma a hand by her suddenly discovering that numerous things that she loves has somehow fell into the garbage disposal, the shredder, the toilet... you get the idea. Bet she won't find it as "ok to do thing" when she is the one loosing her stuff! Good luck!