Pleased to meet you

By Homeless without superbowl - 16/02/2023 16:00

Today, I got home and found all my things thrown out into the yard, including the stuff from my mancave, which I spent thousands of dollars on. Apparently, my girlfriend stopped for a visit while my wife was home. I’d stupidly given her a key. Turns out my wife called out sick today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 130
You deserved it 4 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ODBeefalo 10

real quick, you mind explaining from your point of view how you are not a piece of shit for cheating on your wife? I think we could all use another good laugh.

You cheated on your wife, what did you expect to happen?


ODBeefalo 10

real quick, you mind explaining from your point of view how you are not a piece of shit for cheating on your wife? I think we could all use another good laugh.

You cheated on your wife, what did you expect to happen?

I really hope your stuff got badly damaged too. Especially the expensive stuff.

I think you're lucky see didn't set it all on fire. js

If she did that, then the idiot could actually make her pay for destroying it, regardless of the cheating. Putting it outside for him to find coming home, no damages and no potential court case

Plus if he has to sell that stuff to afford alimony payments, child support, spousal support, trashing his stuff would be counterproductive.

nope, that stuff counts towards his half in the divorce.

Gosh, if only you had somehow managed go keep it in your pants or something, maybe she wouldn’t be mad at you then.

This gives you a reason to move in with your girlfriend, and you can cheat with your soon-to-be ex-wife. Easy!

Nikki 17

I like how you mentioned how much your stuff was worth, like anyone was going to care

Sonotsuave 35

Peices of shit get no sympathy

I think you already know that you deserve this.