By MrsGrinch - 07/12/2018 14:00

Today, I’d finally saved up enough to buy flights home for Christmas. After putting in the info several times, it wouldn’t work, so my husband decided to try and “help.” Not only did he buy flights to the wrong place, but now I have to wait another 5-7 days to be refunded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 698
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In general, airline flights can be canceled without penalty for 24 hours after they are made—it is an international rule and most domestic airlines also follow. It sucks that it will take a while to get your money back though.

You should put your husband over your knee and spank him..... lol


You should put your husband over your knee and spank him..... lol

In general, airline flights can be canceled without penalty for 24 hours after they are made—it is an international rule and most domestic airlines also follow. It sucks that it will take a while to get your money back though.