
By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I was walking out of a Starbucks and saw someone walking out behind me. Thinking it would be the nice thing to do, I held the door open. I was holding the door for about 30 seconds before realizing I was holding the door for my own shadow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 589
You deserved it 65 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you were trying to be nice. The world could use a few less jackasses.


baffledking042 0

I've done the same... while stoned.

krystlex3 0


Baby_girl04 0
waffles_128 0

hahahahahhaha this is so something i would do maybe you had a moment, but at least you're putting out good karma! :) and hahaahhahahah to #92

Lovebug_Campbell 0

you should hookup with the guy that thought a garbage can was a kid

Unknown_____99 0

I was in one of those mirror mazes and I waved at myself and then ran into myself because I thought I was another person. Shadows and reflections are deceiving bitches. But you gotta learn to laugh at yourself.

wow i hate when these so obvious fake ones get in