By Anonymous - 23/06/2009 05:28 - United States

Today, my mom went to a psychic. The reason? She has convinced herself that I'm gay, even though I've told her that I'm not and never have been. The psychic disagreed. Apparently, I'm bicurious with one of my guy friends. Guess who my mom believes? FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 853
You deserved it 3 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Psychics are frauds. They only tell you what you want to hear

Wow... Your mom is a freak (no offense). Seriously? She goes to a phychic to find out if you're gay?? Even though you said you werent? I wonder what she would have done if the phychic said you were straight? Would she have consulted a nuerologist??


Lmao oh well,time will tell once you have a girlfriend :)

You don't need a girlfriend to convince someone!

Prawn_fml 2

That won't prove anything anyway, as she now thinks he's bi. FYL man, as I can't imagine a non-homophobic mom doing that kinda crap.

Bring a guy home and go into your room for a few hours making fake ****** sounds. Do that until shes used to it.

lots of non homophobes would hate to have a gay child because they would never get grandchildren. I'm in support of gay rights and think they are great people in general but I would be a little crushed if my only child was gay. I would probably get over it though... I also wouldn't care if they were bi as long as they married the opposite gender lol

organismal 0

what about straight couples that just dont' want children?

Cinnabar 0

If the couple is straight but doesn't want kids, I guess you could always hold out hope that they changed their mind or had an "accident."

the numbers for that is pretty low. im sure the person above is speaking in general terms.

92-Gay couples can adopt children/babies

ya but like they don't sometime lmao god your wierd haha just kidding I'm so baked right now

haha that's too funny physics are garbage

icanhazblivions 1

gay couples can also have surrogate babies...

tell your mom it's ok, so your gay... so that means you can have naked chicks in the pool/hot tub/bedroom watching tv... cuz nothings gonna happen anyway :)

i agree with #58, tell her you're gay and use it as an excuse to have hot chicks up in your bedroom

Haha!! Nice. That would be funny if that actualy worked XD

well, are you bi- curious with one of your friends?

Well, okay. Unless she's having some sort of conniption for no reason, who cares?

well like it would be annoying for you to have to hear it day in day out knowing your right OR having to lie about it.

Psychics are frauds. They only tell you what you want to hear

I'm with #5: The psychic agrees with your mom, because she's the one paying the bill. You pay next time, and they'll be positive you're straight...

WinterPerfection 3

That's exactly right, they don't care about the truth, just the money!

Is your mum related to Izzy's mum from Grey's Anatomy? Or are all American mums like that?

ohhdamn 0

If all american moms were like that i would die. XD

arienh4 0

Reading a lot of FMLs here I think a good percentage of the moms is.

Wow... Your mom is a freak (no offense). Seriously? She goes to a phychic to find out if you're gay?? Even though you said you werent? I wonder what she would have done if the phychic said you were straight? Would she have consulted a nuerologist??

Agree with #5. I am touchy on the supernatrual subject, but any old coot who calls herself Destiny and lives in a tent and claims to tell your future is a waste of money. of money. Forunte tellers can't predict anything important, why didn't they predict terrorist attacks? So we could prevent them? EH, too busy predicting future husbands.

The biggest problem with fortune tellers/future predictors -- if it is real -- is by knowing, we work to make it real or keep it from happening, depending if it's something we want.

I had a girlfriend dump me after a 'phycic' told her the relationship wouldnt last, good riddance. Id dump your mum

zxPurplezx 0

'and never have been' That's phrased weirdly, like if you were gay when you were (random age here) but you're not anymore, which is pretty much impossible. Anyways, your mom goes to a psychic to find out if you're gay? What the ****?

hey i know a guy who thought he was gay when he was like 14 or something, not gay now though as far as I know..

bee13 0

So are you gay, or not? Haha.