
By creepster - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was hit on by an older man. I rolled my eyes at him and informed him I was 16, hoping that would get him to leave me alone. He shrugged and said, "We're both human." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 401
You deserved it 3 478

Top comments

ewww. hate those creeps that won't leave you alone even though you say no.


birds_fml 7

Exactly. You should've kicked him in the balls and screamed "I NEED AN ADULT!"

You are ridiculously wrong on this, plus who the hell can't spell "cougar?" When I was 19 I got involved with a coug in her late 30's who worked at the office I was interning at that summer. It was the most awesome thing that ever happened to me. She definitely taught me a few things. I assume with a younger girl and an old dude it's basically the same thing. OP, haven't you ever heard the Garth Brooks song "That Summer?" You really missed out by not going for it.

perdix 29

It wasn't that he was an older man, it was that he was not hot. If he were a hot guy, she wouldn't be so picky and wouldn't be complaining to FML -- she'd be sampling the pleasures she could get only from a guy with lots of experience and superior control. Later on, she'd breathlessly brag about the encounter on FML's sister site, FMP.

Damn, I wish that were true. I def went through a phase of sleeping with older men. They weren't much better than the ones closer to my age :/

perdix 29

Too bad you didn't meet me! I'm much better than I was when I was your age. Plus, I know more new tricks and am more willing to try more things.

Eh, it all depends on the person and their openness. I tried to give my ex...not even constructive criticism, I told him, "It would be really awesome if you could do this* while doing this*" and he got all pissed off and bent out of shape and pulled the, "I've never had any complaints before!" lol Some people are open to changes, some aren't. Some guys just need to learn that not every girl is the same, lol. We aren't going to all respond to the same thing!

OP said "Older" not "Old." It could very well have been someone in their twenties, thirties, or forties. But yes, that's a bit creepy.

Averizzle 0

Isn't this your FML gingerdoodles?

Get over yourself. 100 years ago you would have been married and had a couple of kids by now.

The__Redneck 7

--If he was hot, go for it. If not... Call the police. -- Feminism in a nutshell.... If you're sixteen, you're over the age of consent. That doesn't make it right, but it does make it legal

Depends where they live as to whether it's legal or not.