Couch potato

By Anonymous - 03/11/2020 17:06

Today, I'm so out of shape that my arm ached after lifting chips out of a Lays bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 326
You deserved it 1 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a new level of out of shape. Get out of bed and start moving. Unless that lays bag was 50' across it can't way that much, as we know they're almost completely air.

TeaTimeAbyss 20

what happened for it to get this bad? :(


That's a new level of out of shape. Get out of bed and start moving. Unless that lays bag was 50' across it can't way that much, as we know they're almost completely air.

TeaTimeAbyss 20

what happened for it to get this bad? :(

No pain, no gain! Feel the burn. Keep working at it so you can eat all the chips you want and get the body you deserve.

That could be a very not good medical condition actually, and not just "laziness"

start small. change out chips for air popped popcorn. soda for juice. work on making the fast food at home (pizza is easy). simple things that may not seem like alot make bigger steps easier. I was at one point 350lbs. I'm more like 250 now but BMI dropped massively. once you feel more healthy add some weights, go for walks. set goals like at -25lb you go out for dinner etc. I'm no dietitian nor am I at my end goal, but I know what has been working to go there and not just give up.

That sounds a lot like you need a doctor..