How close is too close?

By Anonymous - 10/02/2021 17:30 - United States - Hesperia

Today, I found out just how close my mom and fiancé are. No, they aren’t sleeping together, but she has been covering for him while he has sex with other women behind my back. Her excuse? He deserves to be happy too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 099
You deserved it 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ny_ny 12

I accidentally hit YDI but this is a total FML, you deserve better and you're mom's awful.

Sorry to hear you had to cancel your wedding plans, and get tested for STDs because your ex-fiancé is an asshole. Also, if your mom was that lax regarding your fiancé sleeping around, was she the same way with your dad? How many half-siblings do you have?


ny_ny 12

I accidentally hit YDI but this is a total FML, you deserve better and you're mom's awful.

Sorry to hear you had to cancel your wedding plans, and get tested for STDs because your ex-fiancé is an asshole. Also, if your mom was that lax regarding your fiancé sleeping around, was she the same way with your dad? How many half-siblings do you have?

mando 10

Quite a few realistically. Maybe they can meet each other when they are old enough to decide on their own. Failed motherhood or fatherhood doesn't mean that love wasn't there, maybe the next generation could have better success.

KingAdrock 16

Sounds like fiance needs to be dumped, and mom needs to be cut off; at least until you can put her in a third rate nursing home.

peterblack67 9

That is just awful. I'm so sorry. What a terrible mother.

Throw the whole mom away. She can go out with the other piece of trash.

The_Cat_Scientist 7

Both your mum and fiance are dirt. I would disown my mum if she did that to me. At least you know now before you got married and hopefully you'll meet someone who treats you well.

Thank God he's your ex-fiancé and not your husband. You need to get out of the relationship ASAP. Actually, you need to get out of BOTH relationships ASAP. If your mother is willing to desert you in that way; then you need to desert her completely. As soon as you can, get to the health dept. and get yourself tested for STDs. I know that there are lots of good men out there, and I'm really sorry that you managed to fall for one who is such a piece of shit. Good luck to you, and get out of those toxic relationships.

Oh trust me, she got some kind of 'service' from him.....